Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Keep your back happy all through the New Year

We hope your year is off to a great start, and that you’re feeling good. One thing you should do to maintain that feeling throughout the year is resolve to go for regular chiropractic tune-ups in 2012.

The guiding principle of chiropractic is that a properly functioning body is capable of healing many of its own maladies. Since the spinal cord carries signals back and forth between the brain and the rest of the body, keeping the vertebrae properly aligned is imperative to keeping those signals flowing. Misaligned vertebrae can impact nerves and cause ailments from headaches to back pain and more.

So if you’re starting the year with some sort of ailment, visit a chiropractor to see if treatment helps. And if you’re feeling good, a tune-up can help keep you that way. Your chiropractor can also chart a course for you for the New Year in the areas of diet and exercise. And, of course, this is also the time to resolve to make an appointment to see your physician, dentist and any other health-care professional you need to see.

Remember, a chiropractor will never use drugs or surgery as part of treatment. And he or she will not hesitate to refer you to another health-care professional if it’s indicated. Ask your chiropractor for suggestions about maintaining a healthy lifestyle in 2012.

Suburban News - Dr. Jeanine Golden

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Kinesiology Taping and Chiropractic - A Natural Fit

Kinesiology taping is an ideal modality for use in chiropractic settings. Chiropractors possess an in-depth understanding of the interplay between the body’s neurological system, muscular system and its structural and fascial frameworks. Effective kinesiology taping involves all of these systems, allowing chiropractors to quickly grasp the principles and techniques for applying kinesiology tape.

Kinesiology tape works best as one component of a patient’s treatment plan, which makes it an ideal fit with other clinical modalities. It can be applied at the end of a visit, after an adjustment and any other treatments have been completed. Because a kinesio taping application can remain comfortably in place for several days, it can reinforce and extend the benefits of the in-office procedures.

As word about the benefits of kinesiology taping spreads, more and more patients are actively seeking practitioners who offer kinesiology taping as part of their clinical programs. Offering kinesiology taping can enhance retention of current patients as well as attract new patients who may not have previously considered chiropractic as a treatment for their injuries or health conditions.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Chiropractic Care for Hip Pain

Having Hip Pain?

Do you experience pain in one or both hips whenever you twist them or when you cross your legs? Does the pain wake you up in the night and make it hard to get a good night’s rest? When you arise in the morning, or when you get out of your car, are you stiff and do you find it an effort, initially, to move your legs? If you answered "yes" to any or all of these questions it is likely that you have imbalances and alignment problems in your lower extremities that, in addition to creating hip pain, can over time lead to degenerative joint disease in your hips if not addressed.

Though hip pain and related problems regularly point to age-related degenerative conditions, particularly osteoarthritis of the hip joint, osteoarthritis isn’t always the perpetrator. In fact, rather than being the original source of the problem, osteoarthritis of the hip joint can be the ultimate result of damage to your hips at a previous time.

Gait changes as the result of biomechanical problems such as an ankle sprain or knee strain, can cause hip pain. Also, if you change jobs, alter the way you sit, take on a new sport or activity, or start driving for long periods of a regular basis, your gait may shift to compensate for these new changes.

In addition, gait imbalances can occur from leg length dissimilarities, foot pronation conditions, even carrying a baby or small child on your hip. Strictly speaking, anything that generates an asymmetry or imbalance when you are in motion can cause painful hip problems.

As part of the chiropractic management of your hip problem, along with adjustments, your chiropractor may suggest that you wear orthotics. Your chiropractor will also offer suitable progressive rehabilitative exercises that include muscle stretching and strengthening.

Hip pain won’t disappear on its own. Hip pain indicates that something needs to be remedied. Your chiropractor can help to get you out of pain, get back into balance, and get your life back!

Here at Rosa Family Chiropractic of Alexandria, we use various techniques to treat hip pain, no matter the condition. Treating muscles, tendons, ligaments, and the joint itself will get you back on your feet and allow you to live a much more comfortable life.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Improve Flexibility (and Cool Off) by Stretching in the Pool

Improve Flexibility (and Cool Off) by Stretching in the Pool

After a long run on a hot day, few things feel better than diving into a pool. But why stop at cooling off? By taking your stretching routine underwater, you'll be able to move your joints and limbs through a wider range of motion—and with greater control—compared to stretching on land, says Scott Riewald, Ph.D., a biomechanics expert who works with Olympic athletes. "It's easier to reach and hold the point of optimal stretch, with less strain," he says. Do this routine in the pool after a run. Hold each stretch for 20 to 30 seconds, repeating twice on both legs.

Hip Flexors

Start in a lunge position with the left leg on a low step. Bend the right knee and shift your body weight forward so your hips drop down. You'll feel this in the front of the left hip.

Run Healthier By Building Range Of Motion


In waist-deep water, place one foot, heel down, on a low step. Looking straight ahead, flex at the hips to bring the torso forward until you feel a stretch in the back of the thigh.

Heal Your Hamstrings With Yoga


Stand in chest-deep water and hold the wall. Step back with the right leg and press the heel down. Hold for 20 seconds, then bend the right knee slightly for a deeper stretch.

Quadriceps and Hip Flexors

Stand on your left leg. Grasp the right foot behind you. For a deeper stretch, press the hips forward and allow the right knee to move back slightly.

Hip and Lower Back

Stand on your left leg in chest-deep water. Grab your right knee with both arms and pull it tightly to the chest while maintaining good posture.

IT Band

Position yourself so your left side is close to a wall. Cross the left foot in front of the right. Lean to the left with your torso while pushing the right hip away from the wall.

Chiropractic Care for Neck Pain Relief

Neck Pain

Neck pain can occur as a result of a car accident—such as from whiplash, for example. Or, it can happen as a result of holding the head in the same position for too long, day after day. For instance, many computer users experience neck pain. Some people have neck pain from sports injuries as well. Regardless, whatever the reason, chiropractors can help people with neck pain.

How Can Popping My Neck Help?

Chiropractors don’t really "pop" a person’s neck. What a chiropractor will do is examine your neck and back, doing a thorough analysis of your entire spine. Then, he will figure out which of your vertebrae is out of line. Spinal misalignment is the true underlying cause of your neck pain, and your chiropractor will determine a method for putting your spine back into alignment. This will provide neck pain relief.

It Sounds Painful…

It isn’t painful. Chiropractic treatments are designed to relieve pain, not cause pain. The chiropractic doctor will not twist your neck, bend it back, or "pop" it. In fact, the treatment he does may not even seem as if it involves your neck—it may center on your back. However, it will still provide the neck pain relief that you need.

Back Treatment for Neck Pain Relief?

Think about it like this—your neck is connected to your back. Your spine runs from your tailbone all the way up to your neck. Since it is all connected, it makes sense that treating one part of it may affect another part, doesn’t it?

What your chiropractor will likely do is to have you lay on the examination table, face down. You will need to relax so that the treatment can work. Your muscles cannot be tense or clenched. Once you are relaxed, the chiropractor will thrust a force of energy at a specific point in your spine very quickly. This quick thrust is done in order to put your spine back into alignment.

You may hear some popping noises when the thrust is done—this is just oxygen and other gases being released by the joint. You will not feel any pain, other than the push from the thrust. This isn’t forceful enough to be like a punch—it is more like a shove.

Afterwards, you may experience immediate neck pain relief. Or, it may take a day or so to have relief from your neck pain. You may need to return for more treatments, too. This will depend upon your specific condition.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Did too much Wii cause your patient’s injury?

Motion-controlled game consoles like Wii may be used to play virtual sports, but the injuries associated with them are real. Here’s what to watch for—and a handy table linking specific games to particular injuries.

Dorothy A. Sparks, MD

Department of General Surgery, Danbury Hospital, University of Vermont College of Medicine, Danbury, Conn

Lisa M. Coughlin, MD

Department of Surgery, University of Toledo Medical Center, Toledo, Ohio

Daniel M. Chase, MD

Department of Surgery, Hoopeston Community Memorial Hospital, Hoopeston, Ill


Ask patients with repetitive motion injuries (RMIs) whether they use interactive game consoles and, if so, how much time they spend playing virtual sports each day. C

Be aware that RMIs associated with video game use are similar to injuries associated with the sports they simulate. A

Advise patients to take the same precautions with virtual sports as they would with any physical activities, including warm-up exercises and moderation. A

Strength of recommendation (SOR)

A Good-quality patient-oriented evidence

B Inconsistent or limited-quality patient-oriented evidence

C Consensus, usual practice, opinion, disease-oriented evidence, case series

The authors reported no potential conflict of interest relevant to this article.

This article is an expansion of a poster session presented at the 12th annual Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine Department of Surgery Resident Research Day in May 2009 and at the American College of Preventive Medicine Annual Meeting in February 2010.

The release of the Wii—Nintendo’s 4th generation gaming console—in 2006 revolutionized the video game industry. By March 31, 2010, more than 70 million units had been sold worldwide, earning Wii the title of “fastest-selling game console of all time.”1-3

Today, there are several game consoles that, like Wii, allow the user not only to push buttons or move levers, but to control the game using physical movements (TABLE 1). And the devices and the many sports they simulate—once popular primarily among adolescents—are in widespread use by people of all ages, including the young and fit, out-of-shape “arm chair” athletes, and elderly people in senior housing, rehabilitation centers, and long-term care facilities alike.4

Not surprisingly, simulated sports play has spawned an array of repetitive motion and overuse injuries. To identify and treat them, ask all patients who present with musculoskeletal injuries whether they engage in game console sports activities; if so, identify the type of game and how much time they spend playing it each day. Although injuries associated with specific video games are often given names like “Wii-itis,”5 “Nintendinitis,”6 and “Playstation thumb,”7 the types of injuries caused by playing simulated sports are generally the same as (or similar to) injuries sustained by those engaging in the sport itself.


Popular motion-controlled games: A partial list

Type of game console
Nintendo: WiiMicrosoft Xbox 360: KinectSony Playstation 3: Move
Motion-control mechanismHandheld remoteFull bodyHandheld remote
Games bundled with consoleWii SportsKinect AdventuresPS3 Sports Champions
Popular gamesWii Fit
Wii Play
Mario Kart
Super Smash Bros Brawl
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
Kinect Sports
Dance Central
Your Shape: Fitness Evolved
The Biggest Loser:
Ultimate Workout
Sports Champions
Time Crisis: Razing Storm
Killzone 3
Little Big Planet 2
Manufacturer-recommended game space≤6 feet using wireless sensor≥6 feet from device≥6 feet from device
Sources: 1. Nintendo ( 2. Microsoft Xbox 360 ( 3. Sony Playstation (


In 1987, Osterman et al published the first report of a musculoskeletal disorder associated with electronic games—a case of volar flexor tenosynovitis (“joystick digit”) trigger finger.8 Several years later, a physician coined the term “Nintendinitis” to describe video game-related overuse syndrome6acute tendinopathy of the extensor pollicis longus tendon after prolonged play with early versions of the thumb-activated game controller.9,10 In 2002, a child using a vibrating Sony Playstation for up to 7 hours a day received a diagnosis of vibratory syndrome of the hand.11 A few years later, a report of “Playstation thumb,” an overuse syndrome associated with later generations of game consoles, followed.7

Several other reports of game-related injury patterns can be found in medical journals, including pressure ulcer formation (“ulcerative Nintendinitis”),12 the “How!” sign of central palmar blistering,13“mouse elbow” secondary to epicondylitis,14 and other tendinopathies associated with various gaming consoles.10,15,16 All the reports clearly describe the relationship between video game use and the pathology, and clinical improvement after cessation of the activity.

Many manifestations of Wii-itis


Tendinopathy of the infraspinatus, also known as acute Wii-itis, involves pain and weakness associated with active external rotation of the arm.

An epidemiologic review of the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System ( found that in the Wii’s first year, 67% of the musculoskeletal injuries reported (29% were defined as sprains and strains and 38% as overuse injuries) involved the use of the Wii to play simulated sports.17 Overuse syndrome associated with Wii was initially called “acute Wii-itis,”5 a description of acute tendinopathy of the infraspinatus.18 (Infraspinatus tendinopathy is most commonly associated with games involving intense arm activity, including Wii baseball, bowling, and boxing (TABLE 2).5 However, Wii-itis is now widely used to describe any acute inflammatory syndrome associated with use of this popular game console.

Wii knee, for example, refers to an acute patellar dislocation associated with simulated bowling.19Multiple cases of patellar injury, including associated osteochondral fracture, have been reported in association with a variety of game titles, including Raymond Raving Rabbids and Brunswick Pro Bowling.19 In a review of self-reported Wii injuries, patellar dislocation was the fourth most common injury (hand lacerations were first, followed by periorbital hematoma [“black eye”], and forehead lacerations/ecchymoses).20


In a review of self-reported Wii injuries, patellar dislocation was the fourth most common injury (hand lacerations were first, followed by periorbital hematoma and forehead lacerations/ecchymoses).

Wii shoulder, another variant of Wii-itis, is an acute inflammation of the upper extremity musculature after repetitive motion. This injury is most often associated with games that require swinging of the controller, such as Wii tennis or bowling. Upper extremity magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of one Wii enthusiast revealed inflammatory swelling of the shoulder joint that extended to the suprascapular region, corresponding to a diagnosis of delayed–onset muscle soreness (DOMS).9

DOMS, which is often associated with acute injury patterns, is a well-accepted diagnosis among patients who play physically interactive sports and, by extension, video games.17 Usually lacking frank deformity on plain radiographs, DOMS is a disorder of the soft tissue that can best be visualized with MRI delineation of tissue planes and musculature compartments. Clinical signs and symptoms of DOMS can include edema of the affected extremity, rubor, and tenderness to palpation during active range of motion. Treatment for DOMS, like all RMIs, includes cessation of the offending activity.

Another recently reported variant of Wii-itis is the acute onset of carpal tunnel syndrome21 after playing Wii bowling for long periods of time. The case involved a 19-year-old woman who presented with swelling over the volar wrist and had positive Tinel and Phalen signs. She received conservative treatment with etodolac, a nightly volar splint, cold compresses, and rest.

Achilles Wii-itis refers to a partial or complete rupture of the Achilles tendon during simulated sports activity.22 This injury has been reported in people using the Wii Fit exercise pad for virtual running and stretching, and is diagnosed clinically with a positive Thompson sign (failure to plantar flex the foot while compressing the gastrocnemius). Complete Achilles rupture requires surgical repair, but less severe cases can be treated conservatively, with cold compresses, lifestyle modification, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).


Repetitive motion injuries (and possible causes)*30,36

Type of injuryGames with potential for injuryPossible injury sitesCommon physical exam findings
TendinopathyGuitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Wii Fit
Achilles tendon
Pain or stiffness in the local area of the tendon. Progression can lead to redness and swelling at the joint of the inflamed tendon
BursitisKinect Sports: Soccer
Dance Dance Revolution
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Wii Fit
Subacromial bursa
Trochanteric bursa
Patellar bursa
Burning pain over the joint during and after activity, with delayed-onset joint stiffness due to local inflammation
EnthesitisWii Sports
Sports Champions
Kinect Sports
Achilles tendon
Tuberosity of the tibia
Iliac crest
Pain at joint on palpation or during range-of-motion exam. Calcification or fibrosis can be identified in chronic, nonacute presentations that are generally autoimmune mediated
EpicondylitisWii: Major League Baseball
Grand Slam Tennis
Tiger Woods PGA Tour
Olecranon process, lateral epicondyle (tennis elbow)Point tenderness over the lateral epicondyle with acute pain on arm extension
Olecranon process, medial epicondyle (golf elbow)Point tenderness over the medial epicondyle with acute pain on wrist flexion or resisted forearm pronation
*The authors have included games that, in their opinion, have the potential for injury based on the biomechanics involved (eg, running, jumping, waving, etc).
Many of these games are bundled and incorporate multiple activities (eg, baseball, bowling, boxing, soccer, track and field, tennis, volleyball).


Game-related injuries typically fall into 4 broad categories: tendinopathy, bursitis, enthesitis, and epicondylitis. (See TABLE 2 for a list of games with the potential to cause particular types of injuries.)

Tendinopathy. Overuse tendon injuries, or tendinopathies, account for up to 50% of all sports-related injuries.23 By extrapolation, physically interactive game systems that simulate actual sports can be expected to increase tendon overuse injuries.

Most major tendons are vulnerable to overuse injury, including the Achilles (FIGURE), as noted earlier; and the patellar, rotator cuff, and forearm extensor tendons, among others. Repetitive motion, or strain, injuries to these tendons are often thought to be cumulative, with hypoperfusion, local inflammation, and neuropathy contributing to the degree of tendinopathy. Other risk factors for tendon injury include age and sex (men have a higher relative risk than women; older people, in their fourth and fifth decades of life, also face an increased risk), postmenopausal status, obesity, use of fluoroquinolone antibiotics or corticosteroids, and playing on nonpadded surfaces.24-29

Conservative therapy, with cessation of the offending activity and rest of the affected extremity, is the initial treatment of choice for tendinopathy. Severe cases of compound injuries or tendon reinjury can also be treated with splinting, taping, cryotherapy, electrotherapy, deep tissue tendon massage, pharmaceuticals (NSAIDs and corticosteroid injections), and early rehabilitation.15,30 Surgery may eventually be required to remove fibrotic tissue, modify the vascularity, or reconstruct the tendon.15

Bursitis. Bursitis is characterized by inflammation of the subacromial, olecranon, trochanteric, prepatellar, suprapatellar, infrapatellar, pes anserine, or iliotibial bursa—synovial-lined cavities overlying bony prominences that minimize the friction of movement.31 Patellar and olecranon bursitis are most frequently associated with sports, particularly soccer and golf.

Clinically characterized by pain on flexion, bursitis can also present with localized tenderness, stiffness, and swelling of the affected joint. Bursitis generally responds to RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) therapy, but can potentially advance to a chronic disease state if the activity that caused the inflammation continues.31

Enthesitis. Characterized by inflammation of the bony insertions of a tendon or ligament, enthesitis is generally linked to an autoimmune disease such as ankylosing spondylitis or rheumatoid arthritis. But it can also be an acquired condition associated with repetitive motion. Sports-related activity is the most common cause of acquired enthesitis,32 with injury most likely to occur at the Achilles tendon, the insertion point of the tibial tuberosity, or the iliac crest.33 Like most RMIs, acquired enthesitis can usually be treated simply by stopping the offending activity. If not properly recognized or treated, however, permanent injury can occur. 34

Epicondylitis. This RMI results in pain or ipsilateral weakness of the upper extremity due to repetitive strain at the musculotendinous junction and its origin at the epicondyle. Neuropraxia is often associated with epicondylitis due to posterior interosseous nerve, median nerve, or ulnar nerve involvement at either the medial or lateral epicondyles.35

Commonly affecting computer users who perform repetitive motion via mouse manipulation, the term “mouse elbow” was first described in 1992.14 Golfer’s elbow (with involvement of the medial epicondyle), and tennis elbow (involving the lateral epicondyle) are also common, and individuals who frequently play simulated golf or tennis games are at risk.


Achilles tendon injury
An MRI reveals anterior bulging and thickening of the Achilles tendon (arrow)the type of injury you might see in a patient using the Wii Fit exercise pad for running and stretching.


Older patients and deconditioned “arm chair” athletes who are unaccustomed to prolonged physical activity face an increased risk for injuries related to video game sports. You can help by pointing out that because simulated activities require a fraction of the strength and endurance required to play the actual sport, people who might normally tire easily are apt to overdo it.

In fact, Nintendo has a dedicated safety page regarding the use of game consoles on its Web site ( The company advises Wii users to take a 10- to 15-minute break every hour, even if they don’t think they need it, to prevent repetitive motion and eyestrain injuries, and to stop playing for several hours if they experience tingling, numbness, burning, or stiffness. Some software titles, including Wii Fit, are programmed to remind users to take a break after they’ve been playing nonstop for 45 minutes to an hour. You can help by reminding patients of all ages that warm-up exercises, moderation, and hydration are crucial, whether the sports they’re engaging in are virtual or real.


The authors would like to thank Dan Dunlany for his invaluable research assistance.


  1. NPD Seventh Generation. Wikia. Available at: Accessed September 1, 2010.
  2. Thorsen T. Wii sales near 71 million, DS almost 129 million. May 6, 2010. Gamespot. Available at: Accessed September 15, 2010.
  3. Nintendo Wii is the fastest selling gaming console, beats Xbox 360 sales in less than a year August 25, 2007. TechShout. Available at: Accessed February 18, 2009.
  4. Hsu JK, Thibodeau R, Wong SJ, et al. A “Wii” bit of fun: the effects of adding Nintendo Wii bowling to a standard exercise regimen for residents of long-term care with upper extremity dysfunction. Physiother Theory Pract. 2011;27:185–193.
  5. Bonis J. Acute Wiiitis. N Engl J Med. 2007;356:2431–2432.
  6. Brasington R. Nintendinitis. N Engl J Med. 1990;322:1473–1474.
  7. Vaidya HJ. Playstation thumb. Lancet. 2004;363:1080.
  8. Osterman AL, Weinberg P, Miller G. Joystick digit. JAMA. 1987;257:782.
  9. Nett MP, Collins MS, Sperling JW. Magnetic resonance imaging of acute “wiiitis” of the upper extremity. Skeletal Radiol. 2008;37:481–483.
  10. Macgregor DM. Nintendonitis? A case report of repetitive strain injury in a child as a result of playing computer games. Scott Med J. 2000;45:150.
  11. Cleary AG, McKendrick H, Sills JA. Hand-arm vibration syndrome may be associated with prolonged use of vibrating computer games. BMJ. 2000;324:301.
  12. Koh TH. Ulcerative “nintendinitis”: a new kind of repetitive strain injury. Med J Aust. 2000;173:671.
  13. Wood J. The “How! ” sign—a central palmar blister induced by overplaying on a Nintendo console. Arch Dis Child. 2001;84:288.
  14. Mirman MJ, Bonian VG. “Mouse elbow”: a new repetitive stress injury. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 1992;92:701.
  15. Rees JD, Maffulli N, Cook J. Management of tendinopathy. Am J Sports Med. 2009;37:1855–1867.
  16. Kujala UM, Taimela S, Viljanen T. Leisure physical activity and various pain symptoms among adolescents. Br J Sports Med. 1999;33:325–328.
  17. Jones C, Hammig B. Case report: injuries associated with interactive game consoles: preliminary data. Phys Sports Med. 2009;37:138–140.
  18. Hertel R, Ballmer FT, Lombert SM, et al. Lag signs in the diagnosis of rotator cuff rupture. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 1996;5:307–313.
  19. Robinson RJ, Barron DA, Grainger AJ, et al. Wii knee. Emerg Radiol. 2008;15:255–257.
  20. Sparks DA, Chase DM, Coughlin LM. Wii have a problem: a review of self-reported Wii related injuries. Inform Prim Care. 2009;17:55–57.
  21. Boehm KM, Pugh A. A new variant of Wii-itis. J Emerg Med. 2009;36:80.
  22. Beddy P, Dunne R, de Blacam C. Achilles wiiitis. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2009;192:W79.
  23. [Herring SA, Nilson KL. Introduction to overuse injuries. Clin Sports Med. 1987;6:225–23.
  24. Maffulli N, Waterston SW, Squair J, et al. Changing incidence of Achilles tendon rupture in Scotland: a 15-year study. Clin J Sport Med. 1999;9:157–160.
  25. Malliaras P, Cook J. Patellar tendons with normal imaging and pain: change in imaging and pain status over a volleyball season. Clin J Sport Med. 2006;16:388–391.
  26. Malliaras PJ, Cook JL, Kent PM. Anthropometric risk factors for patellar tendon injury among volleyball players. Br J Sports Med. 2007;41:259–263.
  27. McGarvey WC, Singh D, Trevino SG. Partial Achilles tendon ruptures associated with fluoroquinolone antibiotics: a case report and literature review. Foot Ankle Int. 1996;17:496–498.
  28. Ford LT, DeBender J. Tendon rupture after local steroid injection. South Med J. 1979;72:827–830.
  29. Hess GW. Achilles tendon rupture: a review of etiology, population, anatomy, risk factors, and injury prevention. Foot Ankle Spec. 2010;3:29–32.
  30. Rettig AC. Wrist and hand overuse syndromes. Clin Sports Med. 2001;20:591–611.
  31. Huie G. Diagnosing bursitis in the knee. JAAPA. 2002;15:14–16.
  32. Jennings F, Lambert E, Fredericson M. Rheumatic diseases presenting as sports-related injuries. Sports Med. 2008;38:917–930.
  33. Leppilahti J, Orava S, Karpakka J, et al. Overuse injuries of the Achilles tendon. Ann Chir Gynaecol. 1991;80:202–207.
  34. Slobodin G, Rozenbaum M, Boulman N, et al. Varied presentations of enthesopathy. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2007;37:119–126.
  35. Jepsen JR, Thomsen G. A cross-sectional study of the relation between symptoms and physical findings in computer operators. BMC Neurol. 2006;6:40.
  36. Biundo JJ Jr, Irwin RW, Umpierre E. Sports and soft tissue injuries, tendinitis, bursitis, and occupation-related syndromes. Curr Opin Rheumatol. 2001;13:146–149.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Dangers of backpacks just around the corner!

Back to school time, physician visits, school supplies and floods of backpacks

Elementary, High School and College students alike will all be heading off again to school with those famous backpacks strapped to their backs.

Parents start gearing up for the school year wondering how severe flu season will be or if there will be another chicken pox outbreak. Among all those health concerns drifting in and out of the minds of parents everywhere, backpacks should be the top of the list.

Overweight backpack strapped around the shoulders worn on the back can not only cause pain, fatigue and lead to bad posture other serious conditions can occur like early wear and tear syndrome and spine compression.

Health practitioners agree that should not carry a backpack that is more than 15% of their body weight. Other recommended guidelines include; backpack straps should be padded and contoured to fit them. Both straps need to be worn to distribute the weight evenly. The Orthopedic Connection has Backpack Safety page filled with valuable information for parents concerning backpack safety for their children.

Most worries concerning these backpacks are the unnecessary weight of the packs. As the child grows older not only does the grade level go up but so do the amount of text books the child needs for school. Schools today now choose not to use lockers and if they do a child does not have enough time in between classes to go to the locker, unload books and reload. More and more low back pain in children is being seen. Adding to the list of that heavy back children tend to add in their personal items. These heavy backpacks at times have the child arching the back which can lead the spine to compress in an unnatural manner. Then there is that “cool look” of wearing that backpack over one shoulder. Little do they realize this action can cause them lower and upper back pain not to mention a strain in their neck or shoulders. Walking with this heavy pack increases their risk of falling especially on stairs or other areas where it is uneven.

A survey conducted by Backpack Safety International™ was to determine the volume of injuries due to heavy backpacks on patients aged five to eighteen years old. The survey was answered by North American Chiropractors and some of the results are as follows;

181 chiropractors saw patients aged 5 to 18 who reported back, neck or shoulder pain due to heavy backpacks. The most common diagnoses were subluxations.

Chiropractors can offer more for that beginning school year for children by providing preventive wellness care and maintain the body’s structure. Plus chiropractors deal with a variety of conditions for children including asthma, colic, sports injuries and more.

When your child goes off to school and you begin to notice any of the following:

They are having difficulty putting on or removing the backpack.

Complaints of tingling or numbness in the arm.

Complain their back hurts.

You notice their posture has changed with or without the backpack.

You notice a red mark on back, neck or shoulders.

They have discomfort in shoulder, arm, legs, back or neck.

It is time to your call your chiropractor before any more problems arise or the current ones worsen. Chiropractors are licensed and trained. When it comes to children they receive that extra special care. Many states now consider chiropractors as a general practitioner.

Among all the health checks and shopping runs it may not be a bad idea to stop at your chiropractor and make sure your child’s spine is in top condition for the upcoming school year.
