Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Suffering from Plantar Fasciitis? Chiropractic Care Can Help!

Chiropractic for Plantar Fasciitis

Do you have pain in the bottom of your foot when you take your first step out of bed in the morning?  If so, you could be suffering from a very common condition called plantar fasciitis. 

This is caused by repetitive stress causing strain, weakness, swelling, and irritation to the plantar fascia at bottom of the foot.  It is very important to seek treatment for this condition as soon as one starts to feel any pain or discomfort.  Plantar fasciitis has a tendency to become a chronic injury when it goes untreated.

Chiropractic Muscle Simulation can be used to Treat Plantar Fasciitis

As a chiropractor, there are many modalities that I can utilize to heal plantar fasciitis.  Muscle stimulation, therapeutic ultrasound, Graston, soft tissue massage, and ice massage are very helpful when treating this condition.  Custom orthotics can also be made to support the arch and proper biomechanical motion. Implementing regular stretching and icing at home is also crucial to the patient’s recovery.   

Your Daily Metro Trip Can Cause Plantar Fasciitis 

In Alexandria and the Washington, D.C. / Northern Virginia region many people use public transportation.  Walking to and from the metro or up and the down stairs multiple times per day can potentially do some serious damage on one’s feet.  Whether it’s plantar fasciitis, or any other musculoskeletal foot condition, your chiropractor at Rosa Family Chiropractic of Alexandria is here to help.

Dr. Nick Andolina
Chiropractor, Physiotherapist
Alexandria, VA

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Off-load to the Chiropractor

One of the most dangerous jobs in the world can be even more difficult when suffering from back pain.  Captain of the fishing vessel Time Bandit, Johnathan Hillstrand, has had chronic pain in his low back.

This past opelio crab season in the Bering Sea, Hillstrand re-injured his low back while working on deck. Not even a full week into the season, the captain was in an immense amount of pain and hadn't slept for two days.  On Tuesday, during the most recent episode, he was faced with very difficult decision.  

Johnathan must decide whether to leave his brother and crew, or to stay on land and seek treatment.  When off-loading crab at port he explained "If I stay here, at least I can go to the chiropractor."  He continued by saying to his brother, "I think it is dumb for me to ruin my body at 49 years old."  He then made the difficult decision.  

Later that night, and with an antalgic lean forward, Captain Hillstrand hobbled onto land in search for the most successful treatment for low back pain.  He was off to see the chiropractor.  Years and years of fighting through pain for the deadliest catch, he decided that this time it was not worth further injuring his back.  Wise decision by one of the finest fisherman on television.

Dr. Nicholas J. Andolina
Chiropractor, Physiotherapist
Alexandria, VA

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Chiropractor for Frozen Shoulder

Most patients that have symptoms of a frozen shoulder will see there primary care physician for shoulder pain.  Anti-inflammatory medication, pain meds, injections, and physical therapy may be prescribed. 

What many people do not know is that visiting your chiropractor can be the most beneficial for treatment of adhesive capsulitis.  Chiropractors do not just specialize in treatment of the spine, but all of the other joints as well.  Passive mobilization will help to break the adhesions within the shoulder capsule and allow more range of motion.  This is rigorous, but necessary treatment for this condition.  Over time, this increase in range of motion will let you undergo regular activities of daily living without pain; just as you did before the injury. 

If you find yourself with pain in the shoulder and having difficulty combing your hair or putting on clothing, contact your chiropractor at Rosa Chiropractic of Alexandria.  Remember, the longer you let this condition go untreated, the longer and more difficult it will be to alleviate.

Chiropractor, Physiotherapist
Alexandria, VA

Friday, June 15, 2012

Know Anyone Who Suffers Neck Pain? Here are Some Tips to Help you Prevent The Pain in Your Neck

neck pain

Neck Pain Prevention

A great type of therapy for neck pain is simply prevention.  Avoiding risk factors and activities that can potentially cause neck pain can keep you from ever having future neck issues.  Simple things such as not sleeping on your stomach and using a pillow that is fit for you can really make a difference.  

To Prevent Neck Pain, Be Aware of Your Posture at All Times

Being aware of your posture, doing your neck stretches, and strengthening the postural muscles will also help minimize possibility of neck pain. Slightly changing the way that you go about your everyday activities to suit the needs of a healthy cervical spine, along with frequent visits to your favorite chiropractor will greatly help to your pain reduction. 

Alexandria at Rosa Family Chiropractic of Alexandria will Surely Help to Alleviate your Neck Pain!

For more information please visit our website or like us on Facebook

Dr. Nick Andolina
Chiropractor, Physiotherapist
Alexandria, VA

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Food Pyramid Gets a Facelift

New Food Pyramid Shaped as a Plate Makes Choosing Healthy Meals Easier

The new food pyramid, called MyPlate, was introduced to show people how a typical meal should look.  Fruits and vegetables contain important nutrients such as fiber and potassium that help reduce the risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure. 

Remember, It is Important to Consume Whole Grains

Whole grains should be consumed, allowing the food to be broken down slowly while preventing sharp spikes in blood glucose while also helping to lower cholesterol.  Protein sources should consist of lean meats including at least 8 oz of fish per week. Calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D are some of the reasons that having dairy at each meal is very beneficial.

Proper Portion Size Representation is Another Benefit of the New Plate

The new MyPlate also shows the proper portion size when compared to your standard dinner plate. This differs from the food pyramids of the past that gave recommendations as to how many servings one should consume from each individual food group with no attention paid to portion size. 

For more information and healthy body tips, please visit our website or like us on Facebook