Friday, September 28, 2012

10 Good Reasons to Exercise Regularly

Healthcare Alexandria, VA

  1. It is great for your heart.
  2. Exercise reduces LDL cholesterol, the kind that clogs arteries.
  3. Exercise helps prevent osteoporosis.
  4. Exercise helps lower high blood pressure.
  5. Exercise can help improve sleeping patterns
  6. Exercise improves oxygen and nutrient supply to the cells in your body.
  7. Exercise is a great way to reduce stress
  8. Exercise improves muscle strength and joint function
  9. Exercise helps with weight loss
  10. Exercise can improve brain function and thinking

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Proper Way to Sleep

We Spend One Third of Our Lives Sleeping it is Important we Sleep Well 

We spend almost one third of our lives sleeping.  It allows your body to rebuild and recharge for the next day.   Sleep is a big part of staying healthy.  Some researchers believe lack of sleep can be related to obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression and a decrease in one's mortality.  According to the National Sleep Foundation adult needs an average of 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night.  Not only getting enough sleep important, but so is sleeping in the correct position. 

The Best Way to Sleep is on Your Back 

Sleeping on your back is the best, especially if you suffer from neck or low back pain.  One pillow should be used to give a little support your head and neck plus this will help keep your spine straight.  Sleeping on your side would be the second best position, but the number of pillows will vary, usually 1 to 2.  You want to have the right amount of support to keep your neck and spine straight, without any head tilting.  The position to avoid is sleeping on your stomach.  This makes you turn your head and puts the most stress on your neck and low back.  

--Dr. Brandon Czekaj

For more information and healthy back tips please visit our website and "Like" Rosa Chiropractic of Alexandria on Facebook.