Chiropractic for Plantar Fasciitis
Do you have pain in the bottom of your foot when you take your first step out of bed in the morning? If so, you could be suffering from a very common condition called plantar fasciitis.
This is caused by repetitive stress causing strain, weakness, swelling, and irritation to the plantar fascia at bottom of the foot. It is very important to seek treatment for this condition as soon as one starts to feel any pain or discomfort. Plantar fasciitis has a tendency to become a chronic injury when it goes untreated.
Chiropractic Muscle Simulation can be used to Treat Plantar Fasciitis
As a chiropractor, there are many modalities that I can utilize to heal plantar fasciitis. Muscle stimulation, therapeutic ultrasound, Graston, soft tissue massage, and ice massage are very helpful when treating this condition. Custom orthotics can also be made to support the arch and proper biomechanical motion. Implementing regular stretching and icing at home is also crucial to the patient’s recovery.
Your Daily Metro Trip Can Cause Plantar Fasciitis
In Alexandria and the Washington, D.C. / Northern Virginia region many people use public transportation. Walking to and from the metro or up and the down stairs multiple times per day can potentially do some serious damage on one’s feet. Whether it’s plantar fasciitis, or any other musculoskeletal foot condition, your chiropractor at Rosa Family Chiropractic of Alexandria is here to help.
Dr. Nick Andolina
Chiropractor, Physiotherapist
Alexandria, VA