Friday, April 5, 2013

Thirsty? How about some water!

Thirsty? How about some water!

Water is very important to our bodies, without it we cannot survive.  Water consumption helps the body breath because it moistens the lungs as well as a number of other things. 
What happens if you do not drink enough water? 

You can develop a number of symptoms from dehydration such as:
-Low blood pressure
-Rapid heart rate
-Excessive body fat
-Poor muscle tone
-Decreased ability to digest food
-Stomach ache
-Low back pain

You should drink plenty of water throughout the day.  The recommend amount is 8 to 10 glasses of water per day.  Spreading the amount of water throughout the day will reduce the constant urge to use the restroom. 

Soda, Coffee, and beer are liquids, but do not necessarily quench your thirst.  These liquids acutally increase the body’s elimination of fluids due to the caffeine and alcohol in the beverages.  Eating healthy can help as well to stay hydrated.  Try eating at least 5 serving of fruits and vegetables a day.  This along with plenty of water will help you live healthier.

If you have more questions about our services, contact us at 703-750-1177 or sign-up at for a free consultation! 

5249 Duke St, Suite 301

Alexandria, VA 22304


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