Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Chiropractic Care - The Natural Drug-Free Approach

Asthma is a chronic lung disease which is responsible for the inflammation and narrowing of the airways. This can make it very hard to breath. The most common symptoms a child with asthma will display are wheezing, tightness in the chest, coughing and shortness of breath.

Chiropractic Care is the Natural, Drug-Free Approach 

In some cases, a chiropractor may be able to provide a natural and drug free approach that works to treat asthma in children and adults. A chiropractor can help determine if subluxation, which is a misalignment of the bones in the spine which irritates nerves, is causing the asthma. If this is the case, a simple pain free adjustment of the spine may help decrease the effects of asthma. The lungs and diaphragm are responsible for breathing and their ability to function correctly is controlled by the nervous system. If there is irritation or interference of the nervous system, the lungs simply can’t function optimally.

Contact your local chiropractor and ask if they can help you in the fight against asthma!

--Dr. Brandon Czekaj

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