Take a look at some tips that will save your back! Its often our daily habits that have a long term effect on our back health. Here are some tricks you can use during daily activities to avoid longterm back pain.
How to Prevent Back Pain While Standing
To prevent back pain, when standing, keep one foot slightly in front of the other, with your knees slightly bent. This position helps to take the pressure off your low back.
Do not stand bent forward at the waist for prolonged periods of time. The muscles in your low back become deconditioned in this position, which may lead to pain.
How to Prevent Back Pain While Lifting
To prevent back pain, at all times, avoid twisting while lifting. Twisting is one of the most dangerous movements for your spine, especially while lifting.
If the item is too heavy to lift, pushing it is easier on your back than pulling it. Whenever possible, use your legs, not your back or upper body, to push the item.
If you must lift a heavy item, get someone to help you.
How to Prevent Back Pain While Sitting
To prevent back pain, keep your knees slightly higher than your hips, with your head up and back straight.
Avoid rolling your shoulders forward (slouching).
Try to maintain the natural curve in your low back.
How to Prevent Back Pain While Reaching and Bending
To prevent back pain, when reaching for something above shoulder level, stand on a stool. Straining to reach such objects may not only hurt your mid-back and neck, but it can also bring on shoulder problems.
Do NOT bend over at the waist to pick up items from the floor or a table.
Instead, kneel down on one knee, as close as possible to the item you are lifting, with the other foot flat on the floor and pick the item up.
Or bend at the knees, keep the item close to your body, and lift with your legs, not your back.
For more information and healthy back tips please visit our website and "Like" Rosa Chiropractic of Alexandria on Facebook.
Dr. Nicholas J. Andolina
Chiropractor, Physiotherapist
Alexandria, VA