Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Chiropractic Care - The Natural Drug-Free Approach

Asthma is a chronic lung disease which is responsible for the inflammation and narrowing of the airways. This can make it very hard to breath. The most common symptoms a child with asthma will display are wheezing, tightness in the chest, coughing and shortness of breath.

Chiropractic Care is the Natural, Drug-Free Approach 

In some cases, a chiropractor may be able to provide a natural and drug free approach that works to treat asthma in children and adults. A chiropractor can help determine if subluxation, which is a misalignment of the bones in the spine which irritates nerves, is causing the asthma. If this is the case, a simple pain free adjustment of the spine may help decrease the effects of asthma. The lungs and diaphragm are responsible for breathing and their ability to function correctly is controlled by the nervous system. If there is irritation or interference of the nervous system, the lungs simply can’t function optimally.

Contact your local chiropractor and ask if they can help you in the fight against asthma!

--Dr. Brandon Czekaj

For more information and healthy back tips please visit our website and "Like" Rosa Chiropractic of Alexandria on Facebook.

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Monday, October 22, 2012

Exercise is Important to the Maintenance of Everyday Health

Regular Exercise is Very Important to Maintaining Your Health and Weight

Regular exercise is an important part of staying health and maintaining a healthy weight.  A recent study ‘A 45-minute vigorous exercise bout increases metabolic rate for 14 hours’ suggests that the extra calories burned during exercise are not only burned while doing the exercise.  

An Additional 37% of Extra Energy is used in the Hours Following the Exercise

Researchers found that up to an additional 37% of extra energy was used in the hours following the exercise.  For example, Day 1 you rested and did no exercise.  Day 2 if you ran for 45 minutes and burned 560 calories during the run, over the next 14 hours your resting metabolic rate would be higher from the exercises compared to Day 1 with no exercise.  

Regular Exercise Can Help Raise Your Body's Metabolism to Control and Maintain One's Weight

This increase results in more calories burned during rest.  Over the next 14 hours of Day 2 your body could burn up to 207 more calories at rest compared to Day 1.  This study suggests regular exercise can help raise your body’s metabolism to control and maintain one’s weight.

--Dr. Brandon Czekaj

For more information and healthy back tips please visit our website and "Like" Rosa Chiropractic of Alexandria on Facebook.

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Nearly 3 Out of Every 4 Prescription Drug Overdoses are Cause by Prescribed Painkillers

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention drug overdose death rates have
increased more than 3 times since 1990. Nearly 3 out of every 4 prescription drug overdoses are
cause by prescribed painkillers. 

A 2010 study from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services

Administration show that more than half of the people who abuse prescription painkillers got them
from a friend or relative and not directly from a doctor.

Chiropractic Care has been proven to be a Safe, Drug-less, way to Manage and Treat Low Back and Neck Pain  

Large drug companies who make billions off the sales of prescription drugs have the majority of the
population believing that prescriptions and surgery are the ways to stay healthy. Unfortunately, only 8% of our society seeks chiropractic care. 

Chiropractic is one of the safest, non addictive treatments for a wide number of conditions.

--Dr. Brandon Czekaj

For more information and healthy back tips please visit our website and "Like" Rosa Chiropractic of Alexandria on Facebook.

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Friday, October 12, 2012

Chiropractic is a non invasive alternative to Epidural Steroid Injections

Epidural steroid injections have been in use since the 1950's as a non-surgical management for sciatica and low back pain. The main goal of the injection is to stop the pain. The injection allows a more direct delivery of the steroid to where the pain is. Studies have suggested that relief from injections are usually temporary ranging from days to a year. The success rate for the injection can vary depending on the specific condition and if it was delivered to the correct place. 
There are Several Potential Risks Involved with Epidural Steroid Injections
Potential risks involved with the procedure include nerve damage, bleeding, dural puncture and infection. In the recent news an article from the New York Times titled "Meningitis Cases are linked to Steroid Injections in Spine" points out the possibility of an outbreak of meningitis due to epidural steroid injections. Health officials believe the problems is due to the medication and not from the clinic performing the procedure. Epidurals may be considered a non-surgical alternative and have their place in medicine.
Chiropractic is a Non Invasive Alternative to Epidural Injections that has Great Success
However, they are still invasive to our bodies because they need to puncture the skin, the bodies first line of defense against pathogens. Chiropractic is a non invasive alternative that has great success with reducing or eliminating sciatica and low back pain. This may be a good alternative prior to an epidural.

by Dr. Brandon Czeckaj